Tuesday 25 October 2016

East Grinstead highstreet.

I'm creating a drawing a day for a year, just for the art of it.

Today's is East Grinstead highstreet.

This is a safe little town with a low crime rate, little poverty and easy access to green speces and I'm so bored of it I may commit town-oside and murder the longest row of Tudor houses in their sleep!

This is East Grinstead and up the road is Forest Row (which I am marginally less board of) if you count them both my life goes.

The Highlands, Scotland.
Edinburgh, Scotland.
Forest Row, England
East Grinstead, England
Southport, England
Liverpool, England
East Grinstead, England
The Borders, Scotland
Pembry, England
Forest Row, England
Mayfield, England
East Grinstead, England

Clearly I keep escaping and getting sucked back to Forest Row and East Grinstead. Please let me know if you have a cure!

This is yesterday's drawing - sorry.

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