Friday 19 May 2017

Hibiscus flowers

I'm creating a drawing a day for two years, just for the art of it, and sharing an art tip too.

Today's drawing is hibiscus flowers.
Today's tip: Try not to collect too​ many unfinished projects, finish them and get them out to someone or somewhere. Too many unfinished projects or too much finished art still living at your home with you tends to stop you doing more. Give it away, sell it cheap, sling it on eBay, but get it out! Nature abhors a vacuum, if you have a lovely empty wall you are bound to paint a canvas to fill it up! This is hard if you don't have a full time agent waiting eagerly to sell it all for you, I tend to think "I'll keep this good book until I can send it to all the big publishing houses like it deserves." Just get them out, you can write another! Sharing hundreds of drawings for no profit has done me world's of good in terms of practice and inspiration for my paid work. Finish them and get them out to someone! Good luck.


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